Fast forward 3 years later and I landed a position with the company I loved so much! After working for the prestigious brand for 6 years, I had gained a true respect for the man who started with designing neckties to creating a complete lifestyle. From that point, I could no longer look at a man who didn't own a piece of RL and it would be my mission to introduce him to the brand. I now say to all my male clients who hate shopping or can't style themselves, you can never go wrong with PRL! Here are a few of my Polo Ralph Lauren staples that every man should own....
Custom Fit Polo $98 |
Classic Cargo Short $69.50 |
Fleece Hoodie $145 |
Custom Fit Oxford $98 |
Flat Front Chino $79.50 |
Custom FIt Poplin $85 |
Striped Silk Tie $49.99 |
Cotton Half Zip Sweater $98 *photos via* |