Words from a fashion obsessed, music motivated, cocktail drinking, in the kitchen with her heels on, kinda girl.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Home on a Friday night due to the fact that my entire body has become victim to some b**** named PILATES. I blame the swimsuit I have my eye on and the upcoming dreadful summer season. Ugh. Anyway, after cleaning out two closets and re-organizing makeup drawers, (pure joy), I finally sat down to watch Fashion Police and enjoy a glass of wine. I love Joan Rivers. She inspires me to keep my humor intact and my face tight, no matter how old I am. Then like a true angel of fashion, my favorite blondie appears in the most beautiful Reem Acra gown. It was none other than the petite filet, Kate Hudson. I've always liked this chic. Young, funny, and style is always on point. She has a petite frame and a small bust, reminds me of someone I know. Kate always manages to look so flawless and sexy! She just strikes me as the girl who keeps it real at all times. Once again, reminds me of someone I know. I love the fact that she picks a different body part to accentuate in each look. It's always just the right amount of skin, never too much. This is something we as women should always try to achieve when putting a look together. Being able to exude sex while having most of your body covered is quite the achievement! Congrats Kate, I'm officially crushing on YOU! 

Michael Kors

Barbara Bui

Jenny Peckham

Ann Taylor

Reem Acra

Glamour April 2013