Words from a fashion obsessed, music motivated, cocktail drinking, in the kitchen with her heels on, kinda girl.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


February 14th can be a dreadful day for most, but for me it will always be celebrated as the birth of my baby biz,  BMC STYLE! This year we celebrated 5 years of a journey that came from me trying to make lemonade out of the lemons that were given to me in 2009. I have to say, it's been a sweet journey. I've been blessed to meet so many wonderful, passionate people here in San Diego. I am thankful to everyone who has ever reached out to help me and encourage me along the way. Being able to support one another as a community has been one of my greatest accomplishments thus far. I honestly thought I would just be able to shop and dress people up for fun. I never knew this business would help raise self esteem, boost confidence levels, and in essence give people the courage they needed to go out and get what they wanted in this world. I am truly grateful for all of my clients and hope that our work together will always be remembered as the experience that took you to the next level!

I look forward to the future with the partnerships I have made over the past five years. I never thought that fashion would take me this far...and I can't wait to see what's next! 

Thank you for your continued support here on this blog! Stay confident, stay loyal, and most importantly, stay stylin' on em! 


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