Words from a fashion obsessed, music motivated, cocktail drinking, in the kitchen with her heels on, kinda girl.

Friday, February 22, 2013


The definition of "Individuality" - the qualities that distinguish/identify one person or thing from another. Your individuality is what separates you from the rest of the world. Your individual qualities can be anything you want them to be. The music you listen to, the books you read, the way you dress, it's all up to you. That's the beauty of being an INDIVIDUAL - it can be anything you want it to be. Isn't that the best news you've heard all week?! YOU CAN JUST BE YOU BOO! I know you're probably thinking, "What's up with B?" (Sorry, just finished watching the Beyonce doc....again. Resentment performance...stuck in my head). 

The truth is, I've always had a difficult time understanding women and some men, who want to be like other women and men. I'm going to focus on the ladies here, because if you're a man who is trying to be like another man, well, you're gonna need more than my little blog post to save you. Sugar, you need JESUS and a therapist. Anywhozies, LADIES: you need to and can do better! Listen, I get it, style doesn't come naturally to all of us. Some of us just know what looks good. Some of us always have perfect hair, or perfect makeup on. And some of us are just clueless, or simply don't care. We look to celebrities, fashion mags, and our girlfriends for inspiration/ideas. Personally, I rely on fashion mags/blogs, and other stylists for inspiration. Or, I will see a great piece and build a look completely around it. All of this is OK, and while I encourage all my ladies to stay inspired by others, I cannot allow you to continue to dress alike while in the same setting! Here's the thing, and I'm just going to be honest here, as to be expected, so get over it or log off - Ladies, if you and your girls are going to the same function and you are the first person to ask the dreadful "Soooo, what are you wearing?", most likely this post is directed towards you. With lots of LOVE of course. Now pay attention here...this is the kicker. IF your girl says, "I'm wearing an LBD, heels, and a statement necklace." Then YOU show up to the SAME event wearing an LBD, heels, and a damn statement necklace, YOU ARE NOT BEING THE BEST INDIVIDUAL YOU CAN BE. You are not living up to your full potential. You have not discovered your OWN personal style, and therefore cannot show your personal best to the world! Was that brutal? Sorry! But that was the worst of it, now on to the good part. Kinda reminds me of when I had to get a flu shot as a kid, then promised a Happy Meal afterwards. NO TEARS BERNADETTE! NO TEARS! 

Here's your Happy Style Meal: Continue to stay inspired by celebs, girlfriends, or even other women you may despise, but only because they ALWAYS look amazing when you see them. Inspiration is a good sign! It means you actually DO care about the way you look. It means you are trying to achieve your best style. But what you need to realize is that their best style may not necessarily be YOUR best style. We are all built differently. Beautiful but different. For example, I LOOOOOVE me some Beyonce, however, I never look to her for style inspiration. While I completely respect and love her individual style, it's just not right for me. We can't all pull off the same looks with the same killer results. If you see someone rockin a cropped leather jacket, skinny jeans, and lace up booties, then think to yourself, "WOW, I LOVE that look!". You need to STOP yourself before you go out and buy the exact same pieces, and think "How can I make that look my own?" How can you put your own stamp on that look? What would make it look better on you? How can you turn that look into your inspiration without it becoming desperation? Once you get into the habit of asking yourself these questions, you will be on the path of achieving your own personal best. You will learn how to express your own individual style, without having to be the girl who just looks like her girl at the next party. SAVE YOURSELF and thank me later! 

B's back! See what happens when I'm gone for too long.... 

My inspiration for the week via