Words from a fashion obsessed, music motivated, cocktail drinking, in the kitchen with her heels on, kinda girl.

Monday, January 6, 2014


Happy New Year Everyone! My first Saturday evening of 2014 was spent with a rare bird named, Iris Apfel. It's very rare that I find someone as fascinating as Iris. Let's face it, most humans annoy me. She is an American business woman, interior designer, and certified fashion icon. At 92 years old, Iris has quickly become my personal inspiration. I came across an article in the New York Times about Iris's definition of style. I watched her interview and I was instantly connected to her outlook on fashion and life in general. I began to look up and read every piece that was ever written about Iris. This woman is nothing short of SPECTACULAR! Her honest opinions about style, individuality, and life are what make her so genuine and intriguing.

Iris was born and raised in New York. She studied art history at NYU and later worked as an interior designer. Her resume includes the prestigious White House, working for nine presidents! Her fame and notoriety came in 2005 when she was approached by the Metropolitan Museum of Art for an exhibition featuring her personal wardrobe and line of accessories from HSN. The exhibition was titled "Rara Avis: The Irreverent Iris Apfel". Her accessory line is appropriately named "Rara Avis", which means rare bird in Spanish. 

I think we can all learn a thing or two from this rare bird. She is smart, creative, and has lived her life as an INDIVIDUAL. Not caring about other's opinions. Not trying to fit in or be accepted. Yet truly secure with her own style and creativity. I am truly inspired by this woman and can only hope to live as rare of a life! 

"When you don't dress like everyone else, you don't have to think like everyone else." - Iris Apfel 

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